Framing Services
We specialise in Custom Picture Framing
If it can be framed, we can frame it!
You may require a standard sized frame for your beloved print or a custom sized frame for your own artwork, sports shirt or such like.
Whichever requirement you have, we can take time to show you all the frame options.
Our picture framing services can be for the individual or for a commercial organisation wanting to display a set of product posters and such like.
We make the process of arranging a picture frame easy – phone us to arrange an appointment to call over to see us at a day and time that suites you.
I can also supply standard sized picture frames like A3 picture frames and A4 picture frames.
Our framing services cover:

Custom Mount Cutting
Mounts can be cut to different sizes and shapes and come in different colour options. The mount is an important factor when choosing your picture frame.
Our mounts are expertly cut and as well cut to different shapes it can include multi apertures.
Standard Sized Frames
If you need a frame urgently or for whatever reason we have a large stock of standard sized frames.
Our standard sized frames can come with mounts in different materials and colour options.
Standard sized frames are finished off with different glass options,backing boards and fixings.
Custom Sized Frames
Having an item that requires a custom sized frame can be daunting reviewing all the frame options.
We make the process easier.
Coming over to us to discuss the options will help you choose the right frame for you.
Box Frames & Display Cases
If you have a valuable item that you would like to display and its quite bulky like a signed set of boxing gloves a box frame or display case is the ideal option.
Many of us have valuables locked away somewhere that could be displayed in your home as an interesting focal point.
Using the highest quality materials we can make you a box frame or display case that will look great in your home and in turn will preserve your item.